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Professional Development Course Catalog
Professional Learning for Educators
AEA Learning Online offers educators a wide array of facilitated and personalized online learning options focused on some of the most pressing professional development areas.
Facilitated Courses
Facilitated, online course give learners the opportunity to interact with an instructor and colleagues from across the state. Courses are available for license renewal or graduate credit. Access professional learning registration here.
Self-paced Trainings & Courses
Self-paced modules, are inexpensive, flexible solutions that allow users to complete mandatory trainings or meet license renewal, sub-authorization, or paraeducator certificate renewal requirements. Access the AEA Learning System here.
K-12 Online Resources
AEA Learning Online's K-12 Online resources include both facilitated and personalized learning options for students.
Facilitated Student Learning
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Personalized Student Learning
Iowa Schools have the opportunity to create a variety of online, personalized learning opportunities for students as well as provide access to the statewide catalog of content, assessments, and performance tasks.